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Master Series Nutrition Food


The usual fruits for putehs are still applicable to be fed to the puteh. Please feed fruits on alternate days or one day per every 3 days/


1) Introductory feeding

For first time feeding, the introduction of new bird food type for the bird means that the digestive system will adjust and adapt itself to digesting the new bird food and extracting nutrients from the food.

The first 3 to 5 days of feeding NUMBER 1 Puteh Food may see wet stools occurring as the digestive system adjusts and adapts itself to manage the bird food. This is normal.


2) After the first 3-5 days, the digestive system of the bird begins to increase its nutrient extraction efficiency. The stools will start to firm up nicely. When the puteh's stools become more rice grain-like in shape, the puteh's  form, energy and alertness will follow suit accordingly.

3) It is recommended that hobbyists try all the feed techniques. Apply 1 feed technique to 1 bird, compare all the birds' progress. This way of feeding will help the hobbyist decide on the best method of feeding their birds - either in full pure unmixed form or in mixed form.

** Feeding pure or mixed ratio with other bird food brands/types


These are the following recommended ways to feed:

1) Switch over straight away and feed 100% NUMBER 1 Puteh Food.

2) NUMBER 1 Puteh Food ratio to NUMBER 1 Jambul Food (NUMBER 1 Red Whiskered Bulbul Jambul Food) = 1:1

- ie. 50% N1 Puteh Food and 50% N1 Jambul Food

3) NUMBER 1 Puteh Food ratio to NUMBER 1 Jambul Food = 1:3

- ie. 25% N1 Puteh Food and 75% N1 Jambul Food (1/4 is N1 Puteh Food and 3/4 is N1 Jambul Food)

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